Gold Strike Canyon (February 5, 2011)

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Starting down Gold Strike Canyon on a beautiful February day.

Gold Strike Canyon is a beautiful winter hike with lots of rock scrambling and climbing. That makes it the perfect outing for a broad range of ages because nobody gets bored. Especially young guys looking for challenges to test themselves on.

Our good friend Leslie Nilsen and her friend Jerry Norton. This was the first trip Jerry joined us on and it was great to have him along.

One of the many waterfalls in Gold Strike. This year we noticed the canyon was appreciable dryer than in previous years. We're assuming the lack of water is because the water level of Lake Mead is very low and not replenishing the aquifers that feed the springs of Gold Strike Canyon.

Jordan Roberts caught in mid-air taking a short cut.

Our friend Frank Nason. Bob met Frank through his job at UNLV where they have worked on projects with Frank's company, Residential Resources. It's been great leveraging that friendship to activities outside the office.

Negotiating our way through the boulders that choke the canyon.

Looking down canyon through the lower section of Gold Strike Canyon.

Taking turns down one of the hand lines in the canyon.

Our 2011 Gold Strike group after lunch at the Colorado River.

Making our way back up the lower section of Gold Strike Canyon where the walls are covered with growth from all the dripping springs.

Hannah and Lisa about half way back up the canyon. This was our 10 year old daughter's first time down Gold Strike under her own power.

Hannah and her Dad hiking Gold Strike canyon in 2011.

Hannah and her Dad hiking Gold Strike canyon a few years earlier in 2002.

Go to our 2008 Gold Strike trip.
Go to our 2007 Gold Strike trip.
Go to our 2003 Gold Strike trip.
Go to our 2002 Gold Strike trip.
Go to our 1999 Gold Strike trip.
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