Gold Strike Canyon (February 2, 2008)

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Lisa coming down the first challenge in Gold Strike Canyon.

It had just rained the day before so the colors in the canyon were great.

One of the many obstacles to make your way through.

Bob and friends Martin Boyett and Bruce Barton.

Using the permanent hand-line on the trickiest part of Gold Strike Canyon.

Bruce's turn.

Bob with his favorite girl, Lisa.

Looking upstream from the bottom of Gold Strike Canyon to Hoover Dam and the huge bridge building project.

Lisa making her way down the lower sections of Gold Strike Canyon.

Lisa enjoying lunch and good conversation along the Colorado River.

Kayakers on the Colorado River below Gold Strike Canyon.

A water level view of one of the many hot pools found in Gold Strike Canyon.

One of the gentle residents we met along the way.

Another view.

Our good friend, Bruce Barton.

Walking out of a truly beautiful place in southern Nevada.

Go to our 2011 Gold Strike trip.
Go to our 2007 Gold Strike trip.
Go to our 2003 Gold Strike trip.
Go to our 2002 Gold Strike trip.
Go to our 1999 Gold Strike trip.
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