Mount Charleston (June 23, 2007)

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Mount Charleston as viewed from the North Rim trail.

At the base of Devils Thumb on the North Loop trail is our group
Kent Williams, Steve Hamilton, Ed Janov, Lisa, and Marcel Barel.

The 23rd of June is our Anniversary and we were
spending a day hiking a mile for every year -- 17.

Getting closer.

For the Anniversary kiss.

Marcel Barel as strong as usual as he approaches his 76th birthday.

Lisa opening the summit Anniversary card.

She liked it :)

A beautiful summit day at 11,918 feet .

Ed, Marcel, and Kent on the summit.

Ed and Kent making their way to traverse Heartbreak Ridge above the South loop trail.

Bob on the South Loop trail.

Kent Williams with Mummy Mountain in the background.

Ed Janov with Mummy Mountain in the background.

Mount Charleston in the distance as we near the end of our hike.

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