Bonanza Peak (May 18, 2014)

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A small group of friends joined our family for a beautiful hike in the woods to the summit of Bonanza Peak (10,377 feet).
Lisa and Caleb enjoying the trail along the way.

Our good friends Erin and Frank Nason joined us for the hike.

Our 13 year old daughter Hannah has become quite the hiker.

Hannah and our friend Sharon Saria coming up the trail with the desert valley far below.

Bob Potts' wonderful family, Caleb, Lisa and Hannah.

Hannah enjoying a day in the pines.

Our good friend Bruce Barton taking a break.

While some waited at the 9,800 foot ridgeline, Bob, Caleb and Frank Nason continued to the summit.
Along they way they successfully found three geocaches. Here Caleb is searching under a Ponderosa pine for one of them.

Frank Nason with Caleb holding one of the geocaches.

Mount Charleston as seen from the summit of Bonanza Peak.

Caleb looking for the summit geocache.

And found!

A proud Dad with his son on the summit of Bonanza Peak.
To get to this 10,377 foot peak our 10 year old son Caleb walked five miles uphill 3,800 feet.
He then walked back down the same five miles and 3,800 feet to the trailhead.

A bit different than the last time he was on this mountain when Dad carried him in a backpack when he was 8 months old.

On the way back to the trailhead, we came across this large gopher snake. You don't see a lot of snakes in Southern Nevada because it is so dry. It kind of makes sense, snakes need mice and mice need grass and grass needs water. Near where we came across this snake is a very nice spring which kind of explains why he was around.

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