Pine Creek Canyon (June 1, 2013)

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After a long stint since our last canyoneering trip through Mystery Canyon in October, we decided it was high time we got out again. We also thought it time to ramp up the kids' experience and take them through a bit more technical canyon than what they had done before, and Pine Creek was the best choice.

Pine Creek is a beautiful, technical canyon with a couple of decent size rappels, no approach, and a beautiful hike out. So we made camping reservations and got ready for a wonderful family day canyoneering in Zion.

This is a picture of Lisa and Hannah hanging out in our campsite the day before our trip through Pine Creek.

Our 12 year old Hannah in Zion.

Saturday Morning, June 1, 2013 and Caleb is ready to head into Pine Creek.

The Potts Canyoneering Family.

Lisa in the beautiful fluted early section of Pine Creek.

Hannah carrying her share of the load.

Mom and son in the early morning light. We headed down the canyon about 9 a.m. on a Saturday morning and didn't see another party till after the last rappel. It was so great to take our time and not be pushed through this beautiful canyon that can often get busy. The Park Service allows 50 people a day through the canyon and if everyone heads in at the same time it can be a fairly tedious trip.

Brother and sister enjoying he sunshine.

Hannah in the sculpted sandstone of Zion.

Hannah had been through Pine Creek once before, but this time she lowered herself down every rappel. You can see Lisa below using a technique called "fire manning" where if Hannah got scared and let go of the rope, Lisa could pull on the tail of the rope and arrest her fall.

Caleb was an incredibly brave 9-year old. He never flinched once even when there were some big drops. The one thing he didn't like too much were a couple of the cold swims and was very glad to be in a full wet suit.

Dad setting up the last big 100 foot free rappel.

The kids waiting their turn for the last rap.

Mom headed down.

Dad lowered Caleb on the last free rappel and he did very good.

Check out the video clip of Caleb "twirling" down one of the best rides in Zion.

Once we finished the last rappel we had a special event planned. There is a beautiful spring and pool at the bottom which made the perfect setting to baptize Caleb. It was something he had been wanting to do for a long time and this is a picture of him after coming up out of the water.

Check out this video clip of Caleb's baptism.

Caleb glowing after his baptism and a spectacular trip through Pine Creek Canyon.

Back at camp with wet gear drying.

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