Freel Peak, Jobs Sister and Jobs Peak (August 12, 2017)

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In August, Bob and our good friend Steve Hamilton decided to do a triple peak bag of three of the four highest peaks in the Carson Range: Freel Peak (10,881 feet), Jobs Sister (10,823 feet), and Jobs Peak (10,633 feet); (Mount Rose is the other at 10,776 feet).

This trip was reminiscent and a bit of a play on the numerous times Bob and Steve did triple peak bagging of Mount Charleston (11,920 feet), Mummy Mountain (11,529 feet), and Griffith Peak (11,064 feet) together when they both lived in Southern Nevada.

Most of this trip was off-route, but there were portions of it that followed the beautiful Tahoe Rim Trail that's marked all along with these cool trail markers.

The sign where we turned off the Tahoe Rim Trail to make our way to the summit of Freel, and then on to Jobs Sister and Jobs Peak.

Bob's trekking poles, the summit register, and a cool sign at the summit of Freel Peak.

Bob and Steve Hamilton on the summit of Freel Peak.

Behind Bob is our next objective, Jobs Sister, followed by Jobs Peak behind and to the left of Steve.

A panorama looking to the east of Freel Peak to Jobs Sister and Jobs Peak.

The view to the northwest of Freel Peak to the City of South Lake Tahoe, and Lake Tahoe.

In this picture you can see the informal trail that leads from the saddle between Freel Peak and Jobs Sister.

Looking back west to Freel Peak while climbing to the summit of Jobs Sister.

The view from the summit of Job's Sister looking north down the Carson Range.

Right below Job's sister is beautiful Star Lake.

Looking to the south of Jobs Sister to Hope Valley.

Our next objective to the east, Jobs Peak.

Looking down Jobs Canyon to the Carson Valley far below.

A panorama of the Carson Valley from the summit of Jobs Sister.

Looking back west to Freel Peak (10,881 feet) and Jobs Sister (10,823 feet) while climbing to the summit of Jobs Peak (10,633 feet).

Looking down Jobs Canyon to the Carson Valley from the summit of Jobs Peak.

Where we live in the Carson Valley.

Another view from the summit of Jobs Peak to the Carson Valley.

Near the bottom of Jobs Canyon is the Town of Genoa, Nevada's oldest settlement.

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